

Lily-Festa. The total guests were 957 people in 3 days. (June 11th, 2007)

“Lily-Festa 2007 in Nakamura Noen” The number of guests on the last day was 355. 957 visited us in 3 days. (It may be a record attendance as this kind of open day by one company.)
The final day (9th) was Saturday. Many neighbours with their family came to see us and children enjoyed the stage performances.
Through this event, we are so happy and appreciate that many growers (including from faraway place), auction staff, government staff, prefectural staff, exporters, importers and neighbours could get acquainted with our test greenhouse and project.
And also we would like to thank our neighbours very much for their cooperation during this event.
Orientals in the test greenhouse are ready to flower now in this month. Please come to visit us from now on to check many new varieties etc.

(Last Update:13/12/2017)